Special Offers – M. L. Ryan πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ

Quintessential bookworm Hailey was spurned by love 3 years ago, so decided to delve into her books and enjoys her solitude with her cat Vinnie. This all changes when she decides her very small home has no more room for more bookshelves or books, so opts to finally get a Kindle. To save a few bucks, she gets the version with special offers.

When I first read the description of this book, I thought, ehh, not my usual type of book, but for variety’s sake, I’ll try it. I did not have high expectations. But as I started reading about Hailey, I very quickly identified with her. She very well could have been me (minus the chinchilla cheese making job)! So with that, I was sucked into the story and loved every word.

Besides the very bookish Hailey, we also have some other amazing characters that make the story just take on a life of its own. To start with, Sebastian, who is for the most part, just a voice throughout the entire book, is intelligent, funny and one tough guy, Alex is smart, handsome, and has a quiet gentleness about him that is appealing.

My only complaint with the book was literally the last page. EVERYTHING in the book was tied up, the bad guys caught, all the wrongs righted, happily ever after. Then you read the last page. The author threw in a non-ending so that she had a place to pick up the story for her next book. All well and good, but it feels more like an afterthought. She could have easily bended it into the last chapter so it didn’t leave you thinking “what the heck just happened???”

Despite the shoddy last page, the story was amazing. I loved every second of it and will definitely be reading the next book. Just goes to show ya, give something new a chance because you never know if you will find a new favorite book.

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